SHARPE je tiež miestom diskusií, workshopov a prezentácií na rôzne témy z hudobného priemyslu, hudobného biznisu, ale aj iných veľmi dôležitých environmentálnych alebo sociálnych tém.
SHARPE is also a place for discussions, workshops and presentations on various topics from the music industry, music business but also other highly relevant environmental or social topics.
The vision of supporting the education, development, cooperation and export of the Slovak independent music scene is what is setting SHARPE apart from other music events and festivals in the country.

Robert Meijerink (ESNS)
Richard Foster (The Quietus, Worm Rotterdam)
Gordon Masson (IQ, ILMC)
Dartsya Tarkovska (Soundbuzz, Music Export Ukraine)
Andraž Kajzer (MENT Ljubljana)
… and more TBA!
Conference Tickets on sale now!