Otvorená výzva pre tvorcov/kyňe a teoretikov/kyne vizuálneho umenia na tému radikálnej starostlivosti.
Termín: 5. apríla 2021
Tematicky budú rezidencie v roku 2021 zamerané na reflexiu platforiem solidarity v oblasti nezriaďovanej kultúry a umenia, čo sú oblasti, ktoré čelia silnej prekarizácií. Uvažovanie o radikálnej starostlivosti v súčasnosti rezonuje ako možné východisko z beznádeje klimatickej a ekonomickej krízy, ako rezistencia voči sociálnemu darwinizmu, a to prostredníctvom vytvárania sietí vzájomnej podpory a testovania nových foriem solidarity. Tento koncept však takisto obsahuje množstvo nástrah: Od romantizácie starostlivosti ako charity, cez nedostatočnú reflexiu nerovností v prístupe k nej, až po neoliberálnu komodifikáciu starostlivosti v podobe sebarozvojových služieb. Ak chceme na starostlivosti trvať ako na emancipačnom nástroji, aké konkrétne politiky zahŕňa? V rámci výskumu chceme teoretický rámec radikálnej starostlivosti vztiahnuť k diskusii o odboroch v nezriaďovanej kultúre a umení, ktorá po obmedzeniach súvisiacich s korona krízou opäť nabrala na naliehavosti.
Praktické info:
Výstupy rezidencií: verejná prezentácia (diskusia, performatívna prednáška, artist talk, iné formáty podľa charakteru rezidenčného projektu)

In 2021, the residencies will focus on reflection on various platforms of solidarity in the fields of freelance culture and arts, which are areas that are facing strong precarisation. Nowadays, the concept of radical care resonates as a possible way out of the hopelessness of both the climate and the economic crisis, and as means of resistance to social Darwinism through creating networks of mutual support and exploring new forms of solidarity. However, this concept also has many pitfalls, such as romanticisation of care as charity, insufficient reflection on unequal access to it, and neoliberal commodification of care in the form of personal growth services. If we wish to insist on care as an emancipation tool, what specific policies does it include? Within the research, we want to relate the theoretical framework of radical care to the discussion about trade unions in independent culture and art, a debate that has become urgent again due to the measures taken in response to the coronavirus crisis.
Within the residency series in 2021, we want to explore the theme of platforms of solidarity in culture and arts and invite artists, theorists, and activists who experiment with various formats of institutions and infrastructures advocating the interests of precarious workers in culture and arts. Our aim is not to pressure the residents into producing new artworks, rather, we want to create for them the best possible conditions for research and reflection. Therefore, the expected outcomes of the residences are discursive public formats (discussions, performative lectures, artist talks, other formats according to the nature of the project).
Practical information
Outcomes of the residencies: public presentations (discussion, performative lecture, artist talk, or other formats according to the nature of the project).
Results will be announced: 19 April 2021