Martin Vongrej: Časovanie čiary


Martin Vongrej: Časovanie čiary

Prídite sa pozrieť na výstavu na prvé poschodie Novej Cvernovky. The Július Koller Society predstaví dielo Martina Vongreja.

Martin Vongrej: Časovanie čiary / Conjugation of a Line
otvorenie / opening: 24. 3. 2022, 18:00
duration: 25. 3. – 15. 5. 2022
The Július Koller Society, Bratislava
Povedzme, že čiara v obraze je analógiou slovesa vo vete. Ak by čiara hrala rolu slovesa, potom by mala osoby a časy. Čiara sa nevpisuje do slov a viet, ale deje sa ešte pred tým, než sa začíname pozerať. Čo je pred čiarou a po čiare? Čiara je niť, ktorá vedie slepého labyrintom sveta. Je to moment ticha, kedy Martin Vongrej pozýva k sledovaniu čiary, ktorá nemá začiatok ani koniec, len dynamicky a premenlivo trvá. Časovanie čiary je pokračovaním autorových skúmaní mysliteľného a viditeľného. Vedomie je hrot zabodnutý v prítomnosti, okolo ktorého rotuje vnímateľný čas.
Let us suppose that a line on a painting is analogous to a verb in a sentence. If the line were to play the part of a verb, then it would have persons and tenses. The line is not inscribed in words and sentences – it takes place before we even start looking. What is before the line and after the line? The line is the thread that leads the blind man through the labyrinth of the world. It is in a moment of silence in which Martin Vongrej invites us to observe a line that has no beginning or ending, only dynamic and trans-formative duration. Conjugation of a Line is a continuation of the artist’s explorations of the thinkable and visible. Consciousness is a spike jabbed in the present moment around which perceptible time rotates.
Martin Vongrej (1986) je autor žijúci a tvoriaci Bratislave. V medzinárodnom kontexte sa predstavil prvýkrát v roku 2010 na Bienále súčasného umenia Manifesta 8 v Španielsku dielom Pozorujúce sa vedomie. Svoju prácu prezentoval okrem iného na skupinových výstavách The process of calculating one’s position (NARS Foundation, New York, 2019), Užitočná fotografia – fotografia v súčasnom slovenskom umení (Slovenská národná galéria, Bratislava, 2018), ORIENT (KIM?, Riga; Bozar, Brusel; Bunkier Sztuki, Krakov, 2018), Non-profit & Profit (SpazioA, Pistoia, 2014) atď. Vybrané samostatné výstavy: Seeing Thoughts (Phoinix Bratislava, 2020), Pre-nature (amt_project, Miláno, 2016), The Meaning (Soda Gallery, Bratislava, 2018), The Inverse (HIT Gallery, Bratislava, 2018), Seven Uncountable Lines (Futura, Karlin Studios, Praha, 2017) alebo 2014 (Moravská galerie, Brno, 2014). Získal štipendiá od Kone Foundation (Saari Residence, Fínsko, 2014) či Terra Foundation (USA, 2015). Jeho tvorba je zastúpená v zbierke Fondazione Morra Greco.
Martin Vongrej (born 1986) is an artist living and working in Bratislava. He first introduced himself to the international scene in 2010 at the Manifesta 8 – the European Biennial of Contemporary Art in Spain with his work Pozorujúce sa vedomie (Self-Observing Consciousness). He has presented his works at group exhibitions including The Process of Calculating One’s Position (NARS Foundation, New York, 2019), Useful Photography. Photography in Contemporary Slovak Art (Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, 2018), ORIENT (KIM?, Riga; Bozar, Brussels; Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków, 2018), Non-profit & Profit (SpazioA, Pistoia, 2014), and others. Selected solo exhibitions: Seeing Thoughts (Phoinix Bratislava, 2020), Pre-nature (amt_project, Milan, 2016), The Meaning (Soda Gallery, Brati-slava, 2018), The Inverse (HIT Gallery, Bratislava, 2018), Seven Uncountable Lines (Futura, Karlin Studios, Prague, 2017), or 2014 (Moravian Gallery, Brno, 2014). He is the recipient of scholarships from the Kone Foundation (Saari Residence, Finland, 2014) and the Terra Foundation (USA, 2015). His work is represented in the Fondazione Morra Greco collection.
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The Július Koller Society
1. floor Nová Cvernovka
Račianska 78, Bratislava 831 02
Thu & Fri, 1– 6
T: +421 919 495 081