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Sam Handwich sú štyria mladí muži z rôznych kútov Slovenska, ktorí spájajú svoje sily, aby priaznivcom súčasnej hudobnej scény priniesli zážitok v podobe chutného akusticko-elektronického sendviča s príchuťou šťavnatých synthov a bohatou gitarovou oblohou. Prvý singel s názvom „Settend” vydali koncom roka 2018 a v najbližšej dobe plánujú vydať EP.
DUHAN (Live) feat. JYMY
Autorská tvorba producenta Duhana sa nesie v spojení kontrastu moderného zvuku a old-schoolového feelingu. Žánrovo to možno zaradiť pod trip-hop, funk a elektroniku v kombinácii so živým nástrojom – gitarou (JYMY). Na svojom konte má okrem singlov so zahraničnými a domácimi interpretmi albumy United Gravity (2018) label: VinilDigital (DE) a Back to the Future (2014), label: Ajlavmjuzik(SK) a taktiež spolupráce s Dj Vec, Zverina, Dj Spinhandz, Andrea Bučko, Sisa Feher, Zuzana Mikulcová, Nora Ibsenová,…
Autorská tvorba producenta Duhana sa nesie v spojení kontrastu moderného zvuku a old-schoolového feelingu. Žánrovo to možno zaradiť pod trip-hop, funk a elektroniku v kombinácii so živým nástrojom – gitarou (JYMY). Na svojom konte má okrem singlov so zahraničnými a domácimi interpretmi albumy United Gravity (2018) label: VinilDigital (DE) a Back to the Future (2014), label: Ajlavmjuzik(SK) a taktiež spolupráce s Dj Vec, Zverina, Dj Spinhandz, Andrea Bučko, Sisa Feher, Zuzana Mikulcová, Nora Ibsenová,…
Vstupné – dobrovoľné
Kapacita – obmedzená
(odporúčame rezervovať si miesta cez funkciu tu v udalosti)
Kapacita – obmedzená
(odporúčame rezervovať si miesta cez funkciu tu v udalosti)
Ďakujeme za pochopenie, tešíme sa na vás. 

Hlavnými partnermi projektu sú Fond na podporu umenia, Hudobný fond a Nadácia mesta Bratislavy, ktorí projekt podporili z verejných zdrojov.
Sam Handwich are four pals coming from different parts of Slovakia that join forces to cater to the tastes of contemporary music lovers in the form of a delicious electroacoustic sandwich with the flavour of juicy synths and rich guitar seasoning. Their first single “Settend” was released in late 2018. The band’s most prominent inspirations include Nicolas Jaar, James Blake, Connan Mockasin, Men I Trust or Unknown Mortal Orchestra. Check them out!
Sam Handwich are four pals coming from different parts of Slovakia that join forces to cater to the tastes of contemporary music lovers in the form of a delicious electroacoustic sandwich with the flavour of juicy synths and rich guitar seasoning. Their first single “Settend” was released in late 2018. The band’s most prominent inspirations include Nicolas Jaar, James Blake, Connan Mockasin, Men I Trust or Unknown Mortal Orchestra. Check them out!
Producer DUHAN was born in Eastern Slovakia, currently living in Bratislava, Slovakia. Apart from producing, he does also DJ-ing, plays on keyboard and is sound recording engineer. In his productions, he is not afraid to experiment in terms of music genres and focuses on electronic music, trip-hop mixed with funk, swing, soul and jazz music elements, which creates exciting contrast with old-school feeling and modern sound. He has cooperated with domestic and foreign artists and produced many singles and remixes. Albums: United Gravity (2018) label: VinilDigital (DE) and Back to the Future (2014), label: Ajlavmjuzik(SK).
Entry fee – voluntary
Capacity – limited
(we recommend to reserve your seats)
Capacity – limited
(we recommend to reserve your seats)
PLEASE NOTE – the enter is possible only with a FACE MASK.
Thank you for your understanding, we are looking forward to seeing you! 

The main partners of the project are the Slovak Arts Council, Music Fund of Slovakia, and Bratislava City Fund.