𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕣𝕒 is a new series of parties in Nová Cvernovka, which combines intense liveacts with adventurous DJ sets, curated by stx & Matwe.
#experimental #hyperpop #hybrid #post-rave #jungle #acid #techno #breakcore
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𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐍 |us|
More info soon.
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Liveurope concert: the first pan-European initiative to support concert venues in their efforts to promote emerging European artists.
The Liveurope project is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
Supported from public sources by Fond na podporu umenia and Nadácia mesta Bratislava.We also thank Bratislavský samosprávny kraj for the trust in the creation of Nova Cvernovka.Nadácia Orange is also a partner of the program.
Thank to bittner print for the printing.www.novacvernovka.eu
Liveurope concert: the first pan-European initiative to support concert venues in their efforts to promote emerging European artists.
The Liveurope project is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
Supported from public sources by Fond na podporu umenia and Nadácia mesta Bratislava.We also thank Bratislavský samosprávny kraj for the trust in the creation of Nova Cvernovka.Nadácia Orange is also a partner of the program.
Thank to bittner print for the printing.www.novacvernovka.eu
Liveurope: prvá celoeurópska iniciatíva na podporu koncertných venues v ich úsilí o propagáciu začínajúcich európskych umelcov.
Projekt Liveurope je spolufinancovaný programom Európskej únie Kreatívna Európa.
Projekt Liveurope je spolufinancovaný programom Európskej únie Kreatívna Európa.