Priestor: Park
Uhol_92: Apokabaret
Apokabaret is a pre-apocalyptic cabaret, i.e. theatre, live music, singing, dancing and something more. With a genre-diverse approach, it recalls the ecological threats of the near future and comments on the ills of civilisation we indulge in together with a cathartic humour.
Kto bude vládnuť Slovensku? (diskusia)
Bourbon pod Palmou
Meetup Year of Climate Care 03
Summer Session #klímaťapotrebuje
✹ Ozveny Ji.hlavy ✹ SILA
✹ Ozveny Ji.hlavy ✹ Film Expanded Shows.Docs + ČIARY + MILÝ TATI
Letné kino pod Palmou: Forest Gump (US, r. Zemeckis)
Movits! (SE) + BDHS + DJ Vec
The Swedish band Movits! will close the ummer with a blend of dance electronica, jazz, swing and hip-hop. The evening will be kicked off by the BDHS. The afterparty will be taken over by Branči Kováč aka DJ Vec.