Pharmakon (Sacred Bones, USA) + Eva Sajanová & Dominik Suchý


The well-known experimental project Pharmakon is coming to Bratislava.

PHARMAKON (Sacred Bones, USA)

Margaret Chardiet is an interdisciplinary sound artist born and based in New York City. Raised by underground musicians and artists, Margaret was surrounded by a collective of the city’s impassioned, cultural detritus. Instead of following a path of higher education, she began the experimental project Pharmakon in 2006, at the age of 16. Chardiet uses electronic synthesis as a tool to transfer this self-possession physiologically and intra-spatially into the bodies of their audience. Timbre becomes temper. Ferality, a social contagion or biorhythm. Margaret has also played in numerous punk groups that extend out to a greater international D.I.Y. music community, and has composed score and original music for the films Transfiguration (2017), and Sound of Metal (2019).


Decision Paralysis is the first album collaboration by Eva Sajanova and Dominik Suchy, both well established musicians in their own right, from Slovakia. Sajanova studied composition and is a self -taught, deeply talented vocalist with a beautiful lush voice. She’s known from the post-jazz band God and Eve, and her own compositions and collaborations in theatre and film. Suchy’s is one of the most prominent artists on the experimental/noise scene, his work spanning 3 solo releases, his noise/techno project Tittingur, and the acoustic/drone Pain Palace. Apart from that, he’s also worked extensively with theatre and contemporary dance companies.

Tickets here

Z verejných zdrojov podporili Fond na podporu umenia a Nadácia mesta Bratislava.
Za dôveru pri vzniku Novej Cvernovky ďakujeme Bratislavskému samosprávnemu kraju.
Partnerom programu je aj Nadácia Orange.
Za tlač ďakujeme bittner print.
Artwork: Martin Mesaroš