Eva Priečková/ False move and comrades


Eva Priečková/ False move and comrades invite you to the autumn dance harvest time.

from 15. until 20. October, 2024 in TELOCVIČŇA – Dance Residencies Centre and Atelier Svetlík in Nová Cvernovka, Račianska 78, Bratislava.

Two performances, one lecture, collective movement education Študovňa and Imro Jam

15. October 2024
19.00, Atelier Svetlík, hang out after the performance
derniere of the female duet
Eva Priečková, Silvia Sviteková: You don’t need to know why, Caroline

A territory of friendship.Intense bonding, multiplicity in similarity, a sense of micro-community. We are with them in a state of endless oscillation between immobility and the will to advance, hesitantly backing up, modestly retreating – we are with warriors caught in the in-between moments of struggle, preparation for the fight and rehabilitation afterwards. They attract and repel catastrophes – navigating the spaces of grief, strength, weakness, submission and rebellion. Their shared choreography is therefore a paradox – it is at once a casually pitched yet meticulously composed ode to weak strength and feminine irrationality. To the madonna of sisterly love, of female friendship. And to this, both woman and man can look up equally. And she doesn’t even need to know why, not really. (Maja Hriešik)

18. October 2024
17.00 lecture and discussion with Jitka Pavlišová – Dance as an act of resistance

19.00 site specific event ReThinking – Eva Priečková and Juraj Bilený will guide you through the nooks and crannies of the Gymnasium and offer you a small kaleidoscope of how to look at and think in this space.

19. and 20. October 2024
10.00 – 13.00 TELOCVIČŇA

Autumn Študovňa – Soft Core (in hardcore times)
collective movement education
hosted by Eva Priečková
Tickets: one day: 25 euros, both days: 40 euros
presale: here

An autumn weekend collective exploration of dance, interpersonal and “more than human” relationships, restoration, grace and gravity through sensitive listening, collective thinking and movement.

Študovňa – Soft Core is a movement-based collective learning experience that emancipates embodied sensory experience as an equal awareness of body and mind. It does not shy away from critical thinking or play and experimentation. It is reflection, contemplation and immersion in the exploration of movement, as well as shedding coats and unshackling oneself from the shackles of the everyday. It is a safe space that embraces differences, problems, conflicts and discord. It is a safe space that tries not to offer one template, a quiet discipline. It is a safe space where things can fail, but then re-create themselves in dialogue with each other.

20. October 2024
18.00 – 20.00 (approx.)
*without registration

because we are on STRIKE!
and we support Otvorená Kultúra

IMPRO JAM is an experiment to create a place and time for people to dance together around the Gym and New Cvernovka, and further afield. Sometimes to throw off the coats of the everyday, to come together and create something together that we may not immediately know (or want) to name. Other times to not resist the impact of events on our bodies and minds and dance. I offer a shared space for whatever is needed in that moment. On an individual or collective level. We meet in the Gym for various processes, performances and workshops. Can we dance together through a format that provided a safe haven for the LGBTQ+ community in the 1970s, for example? There may or may not be contact. It can be together, but it can also be side by side. Together and alone.
* Keith Hennessy writes brilliantly about contact in his zine Questioning Contact Improvisation