Creatures of touch in Telocvičňa.
The work raises the following questions: How do we relate to ourselves and the world when touch is at the center of experience? How does prolonged exposure to sensitivity alter our perception of self and others? What kind of world emerges when the force of touch shapes our reality—as a source of connection, healing, but also vulnerability?
The audience is free to walk around this central space, choosing to observe from different perspectives, sit and linger, or transition fluidly between moments of closeness and distance. There is no fixed entry or exit point—spectators may enter and leave at any time, creating an organic rhythm of presence and absence. This way, the performance becomes a pulsating organism, where each person brings their own rhythm and perspective.
As part of the installation, selected concepts from queer theory, new materialism, and feminist thought, which the choreographer and theorist engaged with during the creation process, will be presented. They serve as invitations rather than explanations, offering the audience an additional layer of meaning—guiding perception, deepening contemplation, or sparking new associations.
Concept, choreography: Eva Urbanová
Performance: Eva Urbanová, Giorgia Scisciola
Theoretical contribution: Mara Zuckerhut
Movement research: Eva Urbanová, Giorgia Scisciola, Zuzanna Strugacz
Costume design: Miriama Kardošová
Dramaturgical consultations: Janka Dold, Marianna Cifarelli, Yasen Vasilev
Production: Eva Urbanová
DATE: 15.03.2025
TIME: 16:30 – 18:00
LOCATION: Telocvičňa, Nová Cvernovka, Bratislava
FORM: movement installation
ENTRY: free
Special thanks to Paulína Šmatláková.
Eva Urbanová is a dancer, choreographer, and teacher of Slovak origin whose work explores transformation, human connection, and sensitivity. Her practice is centered on the exploration of altered states of mind, the biography of the body, and the power of touch, aiming to access the creative potential and deep knowledge embedded within our subconscious. In her work she explores the tension between the known and the unknown, the visible and the invisible, framing the body as a space of magic and transformation.
Her goal is to challenge societal norms and expectations, creating space for the body to resist oppression, reclaim its authenticity, and reconnect with the divine. In her witcho-graphy, she blends elements of dance, somatic practices, yoga, experimental drag, and immersive sensory experiences to craft performances that transcend the material realm, fostering processes of healing as well as individual and collective empowerment.
Eva holds a master degree in choreography from Prague’s AMU and has studied at Trinity Laban Conservatoire in London. Her main success is her solo piece, THE ESSENCE, which has been featured at numerous international festivals. It won first place at the Gdansk Dance Festival in 2022, second place at the Tanz Theatre Stuttgart International Competition in 2021, and was selected for the Slovak Dance Platform in 2023. Her latest work, ANOMALIE (2022), was included in the main program of the Czech Dance Platform 2023.