Bratislava True Stories [fjúžn] edition


Bratislava True Stories [fjúžn] edition

We're finally back with the first in-person storytelling event this year! Let's get together for some much-needed social interaction, stories, and shared experiences.

We have people from Slovakia and all over the world who will come together for a night of personal stories told live. Our tellers are selected to reflect diverse voices from various
backgrounds. All tellers have 7 min to tell their stories.
Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind event described as a cross between documentary and theater, creating an intimate and often enlightening experience for the audience and tellers. Bonus: There will be music and songs!
🔸Theme: Borders and boundaries
🔸Host and creator: Hon Chong
🔸Musical guest: Olivia Biskupska
🔸List of storytellers: To be announced soon
This special [fjúžn] 2021 edition of Bratislava True Stories explores
the theme of “Borders and boundaries” and is in collaboration with
Festival [fjúžn] 2021 organized by the Milan Šimečka Foundation.
🔸About the theme:
Our world is divided by borders and boundaries. Some are due to
geological features of the earth’s surface and others have been imposed by humans. We look at borders not as merely physical, but also mental, personal, and cultural boundaries. There are economic borders, political borders, and social borders. How do borders and boundaries define us?
🔸About Story Nights:
We’re a nonprofit storytelling community and live event series dedicated to inspiring, healing, transforming, and entertaining people through the art of live storytelling. From our humble beginning in October 2015 in Bratislava, we now organize live storytelling events in Bratislava, Vienna, Budapest, Chandigarh, Manila, and Cebu! We are proud to be part of ISAC – International Society for Arts and Culture.
Q: What type of stories can I tell/ hear?
A: We want people to share true stories about their lives – and every
event has a different theme but the most important thing is it must be a
first-person true story. This is NOT an event for debates, political
speeches, philosophical musings, and religious sermons. We also do not
tolerate offensive, hateful, and objectifying talks.
Q: I have a really good story to share which is relevant to this theme.
A: Great! Please send it to with a short description of
your story. If there’s enough time, we’ll give you 7min to tell your
Q: Are the stories in English?
A: Yes!
Q: Can I come and just listen to others’ stories?
A: Yes, definitely!
Nová Cvernovka | 24.9. | 19:00
In this event the KZ rules apply (fully vaccinated)
We have written their details for you, together with instructions on how to make the most of the festival, be responsible and help us with its smooth course, in a brief overview:
🔷 Zaostri na svet, ktorý máme doma! 🔷
Na Slovensku žije už vyše 150 tisíc cudzincov a cudziniek. Sú našimi susedami, kolegami, priateľkami či dokonca rodinnými príslušníkmi. Tvoria neoddeliteľnú súčasť tejto krajiny a prispievajú k rozvoju slovenskej spoločnosti. Predstavujú svet, ktorý máme doma. A hoci mnoho ľudí nepozná osobne žiadneho cudzinca či cudzinku, ukazuje sa, že priamy kontakt je tým najlepším prístupom, ako búrať bariéry medzi nami na oboch stranách. Práve preto Nadácia Milana Šimečku organizuje 16. – 25. septembra 2021 v Bratislave festival [fjúžn], ktorým chceme opäť poskytnúť príležitosť na stretávanie a spoznávanie sa.
🔷 Počas festivalu sa môžete tešiť na skutočne pestrú a rozmanitú zmes viac než 20 podujatí, na rôznych miestach, v rôznych formátoch. Koncerty, diskusie, výstavy, divadelné predstavenia aj komunitné podujatia, ktoré vám priblížia svety a životy ľudí s koreňmi v najrôznejších krajinách sveta, no domovom na Slovensku.
🔷16. ročník festivalu fjúžn:
🔷 Záštitu nad festivalom prevzal Matúš Vallo, primátor hlavného mesta Bratislava.
🔷 Festival [fjúžn] 2021 organizuje Nadácia Milana Šimečku.
Z verejných zdrojov ho finančne podporil Fond na podporu umenia.
Festival ďalej finančne podporili:
KULTMINOR | MKSR | Nadácia mesta Bratislavy | Goetheho inštitút
🔷 Festival je spolufinancovaný aj z projektu „EMCA – Podpora migrantov prostredníctvom kultúrnych aktivít“ financovaného z Grantov EHP 2014 – 2021 a štátneho rozpočtu Slovenskej republiky.
🔷 Mediálna podpora: | | Denník N | | in.BA | JCDecaux | Nota Bene | Rádio_FM | Rádio Devín | RTVS | SME | The Slovak Spectator | .týždeň
🔷 [fjúžn] ďakuje:
Agentúra Focus | Amnesty International Slovensko | Bratislavské kultúrne a informačné stredisko | Bright | Cánh Diều | Centrum pre výskum etnicity a kultúry | Cesta – spájame | DIW print | Elektro Hafla | Funnylicious | Futbalová komunita Kozmos | International | Cities of Refuge Network | Islamská nadácia na Slovensku | Joke’s On You | Kalab | Kapitál | Krajanský inštitút | | Mareena | Matsu premium tea & coffee | Nová Cvernovka | Riva Bar & Bistro | Slovenská humanitná rada | Staromestská knižnica | Story Nights | Superar Slovakia | Sme spolu – Ukraine-Slovakia SOS | Tyršák | United Colours Of Football | Woven