✦ ViaNočná x Hochspannung! ✦ 2 stages ✦ techno ✦ turbopunč ✦ friends ✦

A unique collaboration between ViaNočná and Hochspannung! on the 28th of December, in Nova Cvernovka.

Ho-ho-holy sh*t, here we go again! A unique collaboration between ViaNočná and Hochspannung! on the 28th of December, in Nova Cvernovka. After this, Nočná will take a break for a while, to catch our breath, so come and send the year 2023 where it belongs, wherever that might be. We know there isn’t much to celebrate. Many people will have a Christmas tree made from rubble and military equipment. It will be illuminated by cassette ammunition and drones.

ViaNočná is a space for those who have not abandoned the values of humanism, love, and tolerance, regardless of their beliefs. The dystopian vibe will be complemented by Ausgang studio and their installation. Welcome drink in the form of a special turbopunch will be served against the world-pain feelings, until supplies last. Come early so that you won’t miss it. See you.


Nočná Main Stage:
– Jožiško
– Matwe
– Miklei B2B Spacer
– Nina Farrina B2B 3ever
– Peal
– TRANSmisia
Hochspannung! Bar Takover:
– Atomal
– Bad Mojo
– BØRT (Euphoria, AT)
– Michael Priest
– wnchnz

We need a global ceasefire.
No homophobia, no violence, no hate. Yes to love, truth, tolerance & freedom.
We stand united against homophobes, racists, neo-nazis & similar scum.
M.&J., rest in power.

15€ presale here

20€ door price
(all night long – welcome punch included for those who come early:)

Ďakujeme za podporu: Bratislava Underground Advisor.
Podujatie z verejných zdrojov podporil Fond na podporu umenia.