The "vaccination special" will entertain the new adventures of Kolofón, who will fight not only for three cubes of yeast on his pilgrimage, but also for the fate of the whole world against Koroňák himself.
Priestor: Kabinet pomalosti
Morgonrock Theater: About the Devil Kolofon
The adventurous bachelor comedy will delight with the dynamic gags of the little ones, and with a number of jokes and allusions also to their parents. The mix of devil's fairy tales, folk tales, pop culture, the Wild West and romantic comedies is a recipe for unique entertainment in the company of classic puppets.
Terrible 2s
103. KPČ: Aria
Lectures by fotogram: Matej Hakár • EN FACE
102. KPČ: Kufor
In Between Books: Waterbased + TIMEA
Come to out last session before the summer break to see two young and very talented projects - Waterbased and TIMEA!